In a meeting with business leaders, representatives of civil society and entrepreneurial local, the candidate stressed the importance of creating equitable opportunities for women to thrive as entrepreneurs in the region.
Hatch Manica outlined a series of concrete initiatives to support women entrepreneurs in Tulum:
Access to finance: Is committed to providing access to lines of credit and financing programs specifically designed for women entrepreneurs, with favorable conditions that will allow them to start or expand their business.
Training and mentoring: Proposed the implementation of training programs and mentoring aimed at women entrepreneurs, providing practical tools and expert advice to strengthen your management skills and leadership.
Creation of support networks: Hatch Manica promised to encourage the creation of networks of support among women entrepreneurs, facilitating the exchange of experiences, knowledge and contacts that enable them to drive their business in a collaborative way.

During the event, various entrepreneurs shared their experiences and challenges in the business world, highlighting the importance of having an enabling environment that encourages their growth and development.
The commitment of the candidate to Hatch Manica received the unanimous support of the present, who stressed the need to promote equality of opportunities in the business world, and recognised the importance of supporting the talent and creativity of women entrepreneurs in Tulum.

In a message addressed to the community, the candidate reaffirmed their commitment to work tirelessly to promote economic development that is sustainable and inclusive in Tulum, in which all people, regardless of their gender, have the opportunity to reach their full potential as entrepreneurs and leaders.
The electoral process is moving forward, and the citizens of Tulum have the opportunity to support those candidates that promote equality policies and gender equality in all spheres of society.
#Tulum #EmprendimientoFemenino #Elecciones2024 #IgualdadDeOportunidades